Precision Filters' suite of signal conditioning cards for voltage, bridge, charge and IEPE sensors provide the high performance required for difficult pyroshock measurements. Our products offer high slew rate, wide bandwidth and sharp, programmable filtering. |
In the February 2013 edition of Sound and Vibration Magazine, Precision Filters' application engineers Alan Szary and Doug Firth co-authored a paper that proposed a set of design criteria for a shock measurement system frequency response based on a chosen Shock Response Spectrum (SRS) error target. Rather than follow a set of strict rules for measurement system specification, the methodology they propose allows the engineer to navigate the tradeoffs between the filter type and setting and the accelerometer resonant frequency in order to keep within a maximum SRS error. Using the Precision Filters LP8FP FLAT/PULSE low-pass filter in accordance with our criteria, either lower resonance (≤100 kHz) piezo-electric transducers or higher resonance piezo-resistive transducers may be effectively used to perform a valid 10 kHz SRS. Following the design methodology, the filter can be optimally set to achieve the desired SRS error while maximizing attenuation of accelerometer resonance.
Click to download the paper Signal Conditioning Perspectives on Pyroshock Measurement Systems.
Click here for more information on PFI’s amplifiers for shock applications.
For more information contact:
Doug Firth, Precision Filters, Inc.
Tel: 607-277-3550 x7245 E-mail: