The measurement of dynamic strain using a single active strain gage is commonly performed using a Wheatstone bridge. The Wheatstone bridge topology can be problematic for measurements using long cable runs since the cable resistance will cause potentially large measurement errors. The circuit is also highly susceptible to electrostatic noise pickup. In high temperature environments, cable resistance uncertainty precludes the use of the Wheatstone bridge circuit. |
Precision Filters developed and perfected a superior technique for measuring dynamic strain. This technique, known as Balanced Constant Current technology, is insensitive to cable resistance, provides a balanced connection to the strain gage for reduced electrostatic noise pickup and requires only two wires to connect to the strain gage. Balanced Constant Current is widely used for making dynamic strain measurements on rotating machinery. It is also used for shock and vibration measurements using shaker tables, wind tunnels, vehicle and aircraft survivability and many other applications that require the measurement of dynamic strain.
To learn more about PFI’s Balanced Constant Current Technology for dynamic strain measurements, please refer to our two-page tech note: Measuring Dynamic Strain on Gas Turbine Blades. Or for a more in-depth overview of the technology, please see our white paper: Balanced Constant Current Excitation for Dynamic Strain Measurements.
Click here to see our lineup of products that offer our Balanced Constant Current Technology.
For more information contact:
Precision Filters, Inc.
Tel: 607-277-3550 E-mail: