Simultaneous measurements of static and dynamic strain at high temperatures using a traditional Wheatstone bridge can be compromised by high resistance on interconnecting cables, which can desensitize strain gages and cause their zero point to shift. In addition, a Wheatstone bridge with remote completion resistors is fundamentally unbalanced and thus susceptible to noise pickup. Using a signal conditioning system equipped with remote sense can reduce errors due to lead-wire resistance, but minimizing noise pickup requires a different circuit topology. Precision Filters’ Push-Push Balanced Constant Current (BCCTM) circuit provides a superior alternative to the Wheatstone bridge that is immune to noise pickup and is therefore a better option for strain measurements using paired gages in extreme environments. Download the article today for a detailed comparison of these two circuits for measuring high-temperature strain.
Precision’s 28000 Signal Conditioning system offers a complete line of conditioners to measure static and dynamic strain, as well as RTDs, thermocouples, IEPE sensors, or any bridge-type transducer including pressure sensors, piezo-resistive accelerometers, load cells, and more. Choose from our lineup of 4- or 8-channel cards with performance to match your requirements.
World-class signal conditioning is just the beginning. Have confidence in your data with the 28000’s test subsystem. Perform NIST-traceable annual calibration without removing your system from the equipment rack. And at test time, ensure everything is working as it should with diagnostic go/no-go tests.