Precision C Series Signal Conditioning Modules

Precision Filters’ family of high-performance signal conditioning modules add unprecedented function and performance to measurement systems built on National Instruments™ C Series platform.

Choose from five different modules to measure charge, bridge, dynamic strain, IEPE or voltage-based sensors. With no software to write, you can build a turnkey signal conditioning system front end using the low cost NI™ Ethernet RIO chassis controlled by PFI’s stand-alone Graphical User Interface. Or using the supplied LabView™ module driver VI, you can combine PFI’s signal conditioner modules with proven NI voltage input A/D modules to build a complete high-performance sensor measurement system in any CompactDAQ or CompactRIO chassis. Choose charge, voltage, bridge or dynamic strain modules. Count on PFI’s dependable signal conditioning technology for precise measurements. All modules are fully programmable and are equipped with Precision Filters’ Test Input for inserting calibration signals at the module input, allowing for full end-to-end verification. Real time sensor parametric health is continuously measured and reported “on-the-fly”.

cRIO Chassis with Modules


  • High-performance programmable analog signal conditioning for NI CompactDAQTM or CompactRIOTM System
  • Conditioning for bridge type sensors, piezoelectric (charge mode) sensors, static and dynamic strain, and other transducers
  • Programmable excitation, gain, and filtering with PFI’s graphical user interface control and seamless integration with C Series measurement systems

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PFI-9102 C-Series Module

PFI-9102 Bridge Conditioner

  • Fully programmable bridge signal conditioning for pressure, strain, vibration, load, or other sensors requiring constant voltage excitation
  • 2 channels per module with 100 kHz bandwidth and programmable excitation to 10 V with remote sense
  • Supports full or half bridges and is compatible with NITM 9944/9945 quarter bridge completion accessory

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PFI 9302 C-Series Module

PFI-9302 for Piezoelectric (Charge) Sensors

  • Fully programmable charge amplifier optimized for piezoelectric sensors
  • 2 channels per module with low-noise, high-sensitivity charge input and programmable gain for .15 pC resolution with full-scale inputs up to 10,000 pC.
  • Built-in shunt calibration and T-insertion for automated end-to-end system verification

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PFI-9452 C-Series Module

PFI-9452 Dynamic Strain Conditioner

  • Features PFI’s Balanced Constant Current (BCCTM) technology optimized for making dynamic strain measurements
  • BCC allows for a 2-wire strain gage connection that is insensitive to lead resistance and immune to noise pickup
  • 2 channels per module with 100 kHz bandwidth, programmable gain, and programmable excitation up to ±10 mA in 100 μA steps

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PFI-9602 C-Series Module

PFI-9602 Anti-aliasing Filter/Amplifier

  • Provides fully programmable alias protection in front of NI C Series AD converters using PFI’s industry-leading flat/pulse low-pass filter technology
  • 2 channels per module with balanced differential input, AC/DC coupling, distributed gain, and 6-pole low-pass filters with 10-100 kHz of programmable bandwidth
  • Optional current source to support IEPE microphones or accelerometers

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PFI 9608 C-Series Module

PFI-9608 Programmable Filter Module

  • Provides fully programmable alias protection in front of NI C Series AD converters using PFI’s industry-leading flat/pulse low-pass filter technology
  • 8 channels per module with balanced differential input and 4-pole low-pass filters with unity gain and up to 30 kHz of programmable bandwidth
  • Compatible with NI 9201, 9205, 9215, 9220, 9221, an 9222 C Series modules

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