Alabama |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Kyle Brown |
Alaska |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Arizona |
Bob Rozell, Sierra Sales | 480-967-6163 (Primary) | 602-799-2075 (Cell) |
Kevin Cornacchio |
Arkansas |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Kevin Cornacchio |
California |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Jim Woernley |
Colorado |
Jim Bolek, Sierra Sales | 720-933-3533 (Cell) |
Kevin Cornacchio |
Connecticut |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Delaware |
David George, TRI | 703-904-1860 (Primary) | 703-965-4150 (Cell) |
Kyle Brown |
District of Columbia |
Scott Bentley, TRI | 703-904-1860 (Primary) | 703-675-6723 (Cell) |
Kyle Brown |
Florida |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Georgia |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Hawaii |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Idaho (For the following counties only: Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Clearwater, Idaho, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, and Shoshone) |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Kevin Cornacchio |
Idaho (Excluding the counties listed above) |
Bob Rozell, Sierra Sales | 480-967-6163 (Primary) | 602-799-2075 (Cell) |
Kevin Cornacchio |
Illinois |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Indiana |
Brian Daley, RDP Corp. | 317-243-8788 (Primary) | 260-715-1978 (Cell) |
Alan Szary |
Iowa |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Kansas |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Kentucky (ZIP codes starting with 400-402 & 420-424 & 427) |
Brian Daley, RDP Corp. | 317-243-8788 (Primary) | 260-715-1978 (Cell) |
Alan Szary |
Kentucky (ZIP codes starting with 403-418 & 425-426) |
Rob Petrosino, RDP Corp. | 937-253-6175 (Primary) | 937-885-1978 (Cell) |
Alan Szary |
Louisiana |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Kevin Cornacchio |
Maine |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Maryland |
Scott Bentley, TRI | 703-904-1860 (Primary) | 703-675-6723 (Cell) |
Kyle Brown |
Massachusetts |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Michigan (ZIP codes starting with 480, 483-485, 488-489 & Acct: Stellantis 481) |
Mark Sorensen, RDP Corp. | 248-471-0685 (Primary) | 248-767-4702 (Cell) |
Alan Szary |
Michigan (ZIP codes starting with 481-482, 486-487, 490-499 & Accts: Toyota (Ann Arbor, Saline), Hyundai-Kia, Nissan) |
David Watson, RDP Corp. | 248-471-0685 (Primary) | 734-751-3710 (Cell) |
Alan Szary |
Minnesota |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Mississippi |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Kyle Brown |
Missouri |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Montana |
Bob Rozell, Sierra Sales | 480-967-6163 (Primary) | 602-799-2075 (Cell) |
Kevin Cornacchio |
Nebraska |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Nevada (For ZIP codes starting with 890 & 891) |
Bob Rozell, Sierra Sales | 480-967-6163 (Primary) | 602-799-2075 (Cell) |
Alan Szary |
Nevada (Excluding ZIP codes starting with 890 & 891) |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
New Hampshire |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
New Jersey |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
New Mexico |
Bob Rozell, Sierra Sales | 480-967-6163 (Primary) | 602-799-2075 (Cell) |
Kevin Cornacchio |
New York |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Kevin Cornacchio |
North Carolina |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
North Dakota |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Ohio (ZIP codes starting with: 434-436 & 458) |
Brian Daley, RDP Corp. | 317-243-8788 (Primary) | 260-715-1978 (Cell) |
Alan Szary |
Northeast Ohio (ZIP codes starting with: 439-449) |
Ed Sumrada, RDP Corp. | 440-227-7923 |
Alan Szary |
Southern Ohio (ZIP codes starting with: 430-433, 437-438 & 450-457) |
Rob Petrosino, RDP Corp. | 937-253-6175 (Primary) | 937-885-1978 (Cell) |
Alan Szary |
Oklahoma |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Kevin Cornacchio |
Oregon |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Jim Woernley |
Pennsylvania (Excluding ZIP codes starting with 150-169) |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Western Pennsylvania (ZIP codes starting with 150-169) |
Ed Sumrada, RDP Corp. | 440-227-7923 |
Alan Szary |
Rhode Island |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
South Carolina |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
South Dakota |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Tennessee |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Kyle Brown |
Texas (El Paso County) |
Bob Rozell, Sierra Sales | 480-967-6163 (Primary) | 602-799-2075 (Cell) |
Kevin Cornacchio |
Texas |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Kevin Cornacchio |
Utah |
Jim Bolek, Sierra Sales | 720-933-3533 (Cell) |
Kevin Cornacchio |
Vermont |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Virginia |
David George, TRI | 703-904-1860 (Primary) | 703-965-4150 (Cell) |
Kyle Brown |
Washington |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Jim Woernley |
West Virginia |
Rob Petrosino, RDP Corp. | 937-253-6175 (Primary) | 937-885-1978 (Cell) | |
Alan Szary |
Wisconsin |
Precision Filters | 607-277-3550 |
Alan Szary |
Wyoming |
Bob Rozell, Sierra Sales | 480-967-6163 (Primary) | 602-799-2075 (Cell) |
Kevin Cornacchio |