Filtering for Dynamic Signals, Part 2

Part two of a two-part seminar series exploring filter technologies and characteristics for dynamic measurements

In part two, Doug Firth, President of PFI, discusses filter transient (impulse and step) response, filter/amplifier with distributed gain, methods for estimating noise with given RTI and RTO noise specifications, and practical criteria for setting a filter to prevent aliasing.

In the first part of the two-part series exploring filter technologies and characteristics for dynamic measurements, Doug covers the filter amplitude, phase and transient response along with practical criteria for filter selections.

Click to watch the video of Part one in this series, Filtering for Dynamic Signals, Part 1 »

Miniclips from the Filtering for Dynamic Signals, Part 2 Video

low-pass filter transient

Low-Pass Filter Transient Response

Low-pass filter transient responses defined.


Aliasing and Anti-Alias Filters

What is aliasing and how using an analog low-pass filter will prevent it.


The Filter/Amplifier

Filter/amplifiers and the PFI pre- and post-filter gain topology.

filtering for sigma

Filtering for Sigma Delta A/D Converters

Improve transient response using an analog filter in front of a Sigma Delta A/D converter.

circuit noise

Circuit Noise

Analog-circuit noise and terms used to describe noise in filter/amplifier circuits.